Tuesday in Orlando at the Florida Economic Growth Summit, former Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) said President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran would “guarantee” they get a nuclear bomb which will start a Middle East nuclear arms race.

Perry said, “When you see what’s happening in Libya  in Egypt in Syria the way that Israel has been treated by this administration. This administration dealing with Iran, a country that is responsible for the death of our marines in Beirut, delivering weapons that killed our soldiers in Iraq. We had to literally put a sea blockade  in the last six weeks to stop them from sending weapons to the Houthi rebels in Yemen. And we are to trust this administration and trust Iran, that they are not going to get nuclear weapons. All this is doing is guaranteeing Iran going get a nuclear weapon and in turn the result will be a Sunni bomb will be developed, and the entire Middle East will be a substantially more dangerous place.”

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