GOP presidential candidate and businessman Donald Trump is warning the Senate against passing Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) on Tuesday.

TPA would give President Obama fast track authority to finalize his trade negotiations without Congress issuing any amendments and only getting an up or down vote on the final deal.

Trump posted on Twitter: “The Senate must NOT pass TPA! Any Senator who votes for it is disqualified for being POTUS. Protect the American worker and manufacturer!”

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) previously voted against TPA, but Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – all GOP presidential candidates – voted for it.

The House then took up the legislation and passed it without the much-debated Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program – a welfare program that aides displaced workers affected by the trade deals.

Gov. Mike Huckabee, fellow GOP presidential candidate, also told reporters Monday that he wants the Senate to slow down fast track trade authority.

“One of the sticky points seems to be whether or not that there will be a provision that there will be federal subsidies and federal assistance for people that are going to lose their job as a result of the trade agreement,” Huckabee said referencing the TAA.

“I think there is an obvious question here – if this trade bill is going to create so many jobs and be so good for American workers, why are we setting aside billions of dollars to protect people that are going to lose all of these jobs that we’re supposed to create? I have not heard anyone address that,” Huckabee challenged.

The Senate vote is expected before noon on Tuesday.