He isn’t even in the race yet, and Rep. Alan Grayson is already touting an April 6, 2015, Quinnipiac poll that shows him besting Republican Senatorial candidate Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) in the 2016 Senate general election race in Florida.

You gotta love his drive to win, not his actual driving. Grayson once drove his care into a train while speeding to a fundraiser in Orlando, Florida.

Grayson, whom the Democratic Party is trying to keep out of the Democratic Senate primary race, polled six percentage points higher than DeSantis:

Again, this poll is from two-and-a-half months ago, so if Grayson is actively pushing April poll statistics in late June, this could only mean that the “Congressman with Guts” is ready to jump into what will be one of the most contentious and visible Senate primary races in the 2016 election cycle.

In the same poll, Grayson is down one percent to soon-to-be-announced Republican senatorial candidate, Florida Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera, who will be throwing his hat into the GOP Senate primary race on July 15, 2015.

A Grayson Senate campaign is music to the ears of the entire Florida press corp.

Wait: a Grayson Senate campaign would be music to the ears of the entire American media.