Fireworks are VERY DANGEROUS and the Today Show’s “National Investigative Correspondent” Jeff Rossen teamed up with the government Consumer Product Safety Commission to warn families against killing and maiming themselves and their children with fireworks during Independence Day celebrations.

To illustrate the dangers of illegal fireworks, they decided to blow up a watermelon live on the National Mall.

“This could be your arm, this could be your head!” Rossen warns.

Preach it Big Brother!

“The whole point is we want consumers to leave these type of fireworks to the professionals.” – Chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Elliot Kaye.

This could be you! warns Rossen, before blowing up a mannequin leaning over a firework.

“I mean look at that. He’s actually on fire. Do we need a fire extinguisher?” Rossen says fearfully.

Rossen then exposes the “HIDDEN DANGER” of sparklers using an infrared camera.

“You would never, ever give your child a blowtorch to play with and so the consumer products safety commission says your kids should not be playing with sparklers at all,” he says.

Wow. Thank you Jeff.

…for scaring the living s*it out of anyone ever thinking about lighting their own fireworks.

Happy Independence Day!