Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) commented on the latest revelations that Hillary Clinton had not turned over all her business emails and said, “Every explanation she’s offered so far is demonstrably false.”

Gowdy said, “It undercuts the three main points that Secretary Clinton made. She said the public record was complete. You’ll remember in her press conference she said she turned over everything related to work to the Department of State. We know that that is false. she said the emails from  Sidney Blumenthal were unsolicited. We know that was false. She also said that she had a single device for convenience, we now know that she had more than a single device. So every explanation she’s offered so far is demonstrably false.”

“She had this unprecedented email arrangement with herself. Only she and her attorneys know whether or not she turned over everything. What we now know is just within the small area of Libya and Benghazi, not her entire tenure as secretary of state, just Libya and Benghazi, we found 15 emails she did not produce to the Department of State despite the fact she claimed she produced everything. So we know her seminal point, don’t mind my email arrangement, you have everything that we have, we know that is patently false. What we don’t know is whether or not that is also true or false with respect to other areas outside of Libya and Benghazi.”

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