CNN Commentator and pro-Hillary Super PAC Senior Adviser Paul Begala said that Joe Biden would be “enormously formidable” if he got into the race for president on Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “New Day.”

Begala said of Clinton, “she’s way ahead now, but this will be a close race. We have no idea if the vice president’s going to run. He is a beloved figure in my party, and for good reason.”

He added, “I’m for Hillary all the way, and she’s going to win, you watch. But I’m just saying it’s going to be  a tougher road than the early polls indicate. And the vice president, should he decide to get in, he’d be enormously formidable. This is the American presidency. We don’t give it away, nor do we give away the Democratic nomination.” Begala also praised Hillary for “not taking anything for granted” in her campaigning.

(h/t Daily Caller)

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