While speaking on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” 2016 GOP primary candidate Rick Santorum argued that the SCOTUS decision which allows same-sex marriage is not the biggest issue in the U.S.

The bigger issue, according to Santorum, is divorce and adultery. Santorum explained that children need a healthy, stable family, preferable with their biological parents, in order to “maximize the potential.”

“I think what we have to do as society, orient ourselves to what is best,” Santorum said. “What we know is best from thousands of years of human history is for children to be raised with mothers and fathers, preferably but not always, but preferably with their biological mothers and fathers, but certainly adoptive moments are great, too. But if we are going to try to aim for the best, we have to have laws that orient society to what is best.”

“We have laws that say, ‘Fathers, you don’t have to raise your children. Mothers, you know, we’re going to provide all sorts of things that make fathers less necessary, if you will,'” he added.

“If you have laws that say, ‘marriage isn’t about children,’ now for the first time in history of our country, a majority of children born out of wedlock, which is about 40 to 45 percent of children in America today are born in homes that the father is still living,” Santorum continued. “There’s a huge increase in this. Why? Because we have now said having children has nothing to do with marriage so people aren’t getting married. That’s not a good situation to maximize the potential for each and everyone of our children. That is really what i’m talking about here; setting policies that orient ourselves toward the best end, which is a healthy, stable family for children.”

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