After last weekend’s incident where aspiring entertainer Bree Newsome was hailed as a “shero” by the left, the media, and Black Lives Matter activists for removing a Confederate Flag from the South Carolina State House, another woman has been arrested for defacing a monument and bringing a weapon onto Capitol grounds, to no acclaim whatsoever. reports:

Melissa High, 45, of Whitsett, walked up to the fence surrounding the flag carrying a large poster board. High was preparing to tape a large poster board that contained references to a biblical passage and the Pledge of Allegiance, according to Lt. Roger Hughes.

In contrast to what Breitbart News reported was a brilliantly executed publicity stunt by formerly struggling singer-songwriter-filmmaker and Tisch School of the Arts alumni Bree Newsome, it doesn’t appear that Ms. High had a film crew or other cameras present at her arrest, which happened near midnight on Friday. However, a mugshot of Ms. High was posted online:

It’s unclear what High’s message was, or why she had a knife with her. Ms. High’s arrest resulted in no shows of support online or for any calls to raise money for her bail. Ms. Newsome raised around $100,000 in 24 hours to cover the $300 bail she was required to pay. Newsome may also face up to $5,000 in fines and up to three years in prison. Newsome herself commented on civil disobedience:

Ms. Newsome was able to take time away from her busy schedule appearing on Comedy Central and being acclaimed for her artistry.

At press time, Newsome had not expressed any support for Ms. High’s civil disobedience or artistry.