Donald Trump blasted fellow presidential hopeful Jeb Bush on Fox News Channel’s On the Record for his avid promotion of the Common Core education initiative as well as his stance on amnesty for illegal immigrants.

“I watched Jeb Bush…I think it’s pathetic what’s going on, his stance on Common Core,” Trump said. “He’s in favor of Washington educating your children. His weak stance on immigration – he said it’s an act of love. I mean what kind of stuff is that? It’s baby stuff.”

Trump said, “I will say that I love the Republican Party [but] I think they’re making tremendous mistakes. I think they’re far too weak on immigration. I think they’re weak on a lot of things.”

Bush is the founder of the pro-Common Core Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE).

He has joined with former president of the Fordham Institute Chester Finn and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Conservatives for Higher Standards, a group that promotes the Common Core standards. Among the organization’s supporters have been Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), chairman of the Senate committee that oversees education, former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R); former U.S. Secretary of Education Bill Bennett; Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (R); Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam (R); former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R); and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez (R).

The Fordham Institute, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Bush’s national organization have all been awarded grants by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the primary private backer of the Common Core standards.