In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump doubled down on his criticisms of former Bush advisor Karl Rove, who called for repealing the Second Amendment and declared Trump was a “complete idiot.”

“Karl Rove spent $430 million dollars on various campaigns last cycle. Didn’t win one. Which is pretty hard to do,” Trump said. “But Karl Rove spent $430 million dollars and didn’t win one race, and I think that’s pretty sad, and I can’t imagine how anybody would listen to him.”

Trump leveled the same accusation on Twitter at Rove days earlier. Rove responded in a Wall Street Journal op-ed:

When I raised questions about his seriousness, Mr. Trump tweeted that I had “spent $430 million in the last cycle and didn’t win one race.” (In 2010, he donated $50,000 to the Crossroads political-action organizations for which I volunteer.) In the 2014 cycle, Crossroads groups spent $103 million to help win 10 of 12 targeted U.S. Senate seats and 10 of 13 competitive House seats. Not that facts matter much to The Donald.

Mr. Trump could become the 2016 version of Missouri Rep. Todd Akin, who tarnished the GOP brand in 2012 with an offensive statement about rape. Republican leaders from Mitt Romney on down immediately condemned his words, but swing voters were persuaded that every Republican believed what Mr. Akin said.

Rove is referring to Trump’s strong stance against mass illegal immigration, particularly from Mexico, that has unleashed a crime wave and internecine wars between drug cartels onto U.S. soil.

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