On Fox News Channel’s “MediaBuzz,” Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank attacked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as a “rotten pig,” a “fraud,” and  a “Sarah Palin phenomenon.”

“I love writing about him. Yeah, the man is a rotten pig but good for our business, and yes, it is a guilty pleasure,” Milbank said.

“This is a perfectly  legitimate story for media to be covering,” he added. “It’s justified by the polls and what is this man doing but holding up a mirror to our political system? He knows how to work the media. He knows how to work the Republican primary electorate. I covered this guy 16 years ago and he was soft on immigration, going after Pat Buchanan as a racist, completely flip. He’s a complete fraud but he’s smart.”

He added, “It’s a bit of a Sarah Palin phenomenon. We can’t stay away from it. You know deep in your heart that Republicans are not going to nominate this guy. Ultimately they’re not suicidal.”

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