WAUKESHA, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) officially joined a crowded field of GOP presidential candidates Monday at a crowded expo center in Waukesha County, Wisconsin.

Walker opened his remarks by stating, “I love America.”

He went on to explain a childhood legend – a neighbor named Claire Congdon. Walker said Congdon served in both World War I and World War II.

Walker added that Congdon continued to serve his country locally, once he returned from war and that he is credited for introducing Walker to another veteran, Bob Turner. He said Turner taught him about the federal government and national elections.

“They shared their love for country, and instilled within me the importance of public service as we seek to protect our freedom,” Walker said.

“These veterans remind me that America is a can-do kind of country. We just have a government in Washington that can’t seem to get the job done. Washington, or as I call it, 68 square miles surrounded by reality,” he added.

Walker continued: “The good news is that there is still time left to turn things around. To do this, we need new, fresh leadership; leadership with big, bold ideas from outside of Washington; the kind of leadership that can actually get things done – like we have here in Wisconsin.”

Walker went on to discuss his accomplishments as Governor of Wisconsin, saying he took on the unions and won, and reduced taxes by $2 billion dollars.

“Since I’ve been Governor, we passed lawsuit reform and regulatory reform. We defunded Planned Parenthood and enacted pro-life legislation. We passed Castle Doctrine and concealed carry. And we now require a photo ID to vote in the State of Wisconsin. If our reforms can work in a blue state like Wisconsin, they can work anywhere in America,” he touted.

Walker pledged to reform big government in Washington, be a socially conservative president and an economic pro-growth president. He then followed that up by addressing national security.

“To prosper, however, we need a safe and stable world. Let me tell you why I’m for true safety. To me, the commander in chief has a sacred duty to keep the people of America safe,” he declared.

Walker then took a jab at Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

“Today sadly, under the Obama/Clinton doctrine, America is leading from behind and we’re headed toward a disaster,” he stated.

Walker went on to highlight President Obama’s weakness on foreign negotiations by having Kevin Hermening – a hostage formerly held in Iran for roughly 444 days until being released on President Reagan’s first day in office – present during his speech.

Walker he went on to say America has a president right now that drew a line in the sand, but then allowed it to be crossed. “A President who called ISIS the JV squad, Yemen a success story and Iran a place we can do business with. Iran…think about that,” Walker said.

He said it’s now a time in America that the country needs real leadership – a president that will fight and win for Americans.

“Someone who will stand up for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Someone who will stand up for our religious rights and all of our other Constitutional rights. Someone who will stand up for America,” Walker stated. “You see, It doesn’t matter if you’re from a big city, a suburb or a small town, I will fight and win for you.”