Wednesday on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, Republican presidential candidate and former Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) criticized President Barack Obama on the Iran nuclear deal.

Perry said, “It’s of great concern. I saw a very very naive man who does not know how the world works who not put the dots together.  And stood in front of the American people and saying I really don’t care if congress likes this or not. I’m going to do it. ”

Perry explained in his view Obama “will never get a majority” in Congress to support his deal. However, he said he might be able to convince enough Democrats to “not override his veto.”

He added, “Trusting a country that has this long long history of trustworthiness and naively standing up int front of the American people and saying this is the only thing I care about is this very narrow issue of whether or not they are going to get a nuclear capability. I think probably the reason he’s tried to paint it down to that very narrow issue is because he knows he could never get agreement when it came to stopping  Iran from being a major exporter of terrorism in the region. He could never get an agreement to allow for true examination of their nuclear capabilities. Again this thing was troubling on so many fronts.”

In the second video Perry continued by saying, “Perry: "I don’t want to be over the top, but this is a president that is not dealing with reality"”>”I don’t want to be over the top, but this is a president that is not dealing with reality.”

Watch (Part 2):

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