During his speech in Oklahoma this week, President Obama reminded Americans of the importance of government spending more money on children’s education to help boost the economy.

“It’s not Democratic or Republican; it is the American tradition,” he said.

But the president also took a shot at the political battles that were often inflamed on television and talk radio hosts who were misleading about the news.

“We forget that sometimes because we’re so caught up in our day-to-day politics, and we listen to a bunch of hooey on TV – or talk radio – that doesn’t really tell the truth about what’s going on,” he said.

Obama has a history of criticizing talk radio. In 2013, the president criticized conservative bloggers and talk radio hosts for contributing to the “brinkmanship” in Congress.

In December 2014, he criticized talk radio for stoking anger about his executive actions on immigration reform.

During his speech, he pointed out that he often got discouraged by the volatile political process in Washington D.C., but encouraged Americans to look beyond the everyday battles.

“You know, I know sometimes folks get discouraged about Washington — I know I do — because the arguments between the parties are just so stark, and all the differences are exaggerated, and what attracts attention and gets on the news on TV is conflict and shouting and hollering,” he said. “And as a consequence, everybody kind of goes into their corners and nobody agrees to anything, and nothing gets done, and everybody gets cynical and everybody gets frustrated.”

He reminded the audience that everyone in America was “one family” and needed to learn to get along.

“We may squabble just like families do, but we’re one family,” he said. “From the First Americans to the newest Americans.”