A well-funded leftist community organizing group that works closely with unions brought a family of illegal immigrants to Iowa to harass GOP presidential candidate and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker on Sunday.

A look at mainstream media reports on the incident, however, provides a stark lesson in how the country’s newsmakers twist, slant, and bury the real story of the tactics used on a daily basis by the organized network of pro-illegal immigration groups that are pushing for a radical agenda to erase America’s sovereignty.

It began when Walker made a campaign stop in his Iowa hometown. Surrounded by the media horde of whirring cameras, Gov. Walker was confronted by illegal immigrant Jose Flores and his family. Gov. Walker handled the situation with respect, calm, and politeness.

Here’s how Wall Street Journal reporter Reid Epstein reported the exchange on Twitter, complete with photos:

Epstein makes it appear to his 15,000+ followers on Twitter that the Flores family simply decided on Sunday morning to drive four hours to confront Gov. Walker.

However, the Flores family was actually brought to Iowa and bankrolled by a well-heeled coalition of left-wing pro-illegal immigrant groups called Voces de la Frontera, or in English, Voices of the Border.

None of the media coverage of the Walker/Flores exchange went into any detail about Voces de la Frontera, a leftist, anti-war, anti-deportation, pro-sanctuary, pro-driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants group that works with other national groups like National Day Laborer Organizing Network and United We Dream.

The group’s website promotes their regular involvement in May Day marches with the group in Wisconsin that hates Gov. Scott Walker the most: the unions who he stared down.

None of this background on the group comes out in the mainstream reporting on Walker being confronted by Flores. Nor do the press reports mention the wider context that groups like Voes de le Frontera are engaged in day-to-day tactical warfare against immigration enforcement in the United State and that the groups are financed by Democrat dollars.

This article in the WCFCourier.com at least hints that Flores was an Astroturf activist:

Flores traveled from Waukesha, Wis., aided by the immigration advocacy group Voces de la Frontera, to get Walker to explain his opposition to the federal orders that provide immigrants who came here illegally a temporary legal status.

It takes ABC News six paragraphs to tell their audience that Voces de la Fontera had footed the bill for the Flores family.

The Flores family lives in Waukesha, Wisconsin – Walker is their governor – but made the trip to Plainfield under the sponsorship of a Wisconsin immigrant rights advocacy group, Voices de la Frontera, which paid for their transportation, to confront the newly-minted Republican presidential candidate on the campaign trail.

A Washington Post story doesn’t mention that the Flores family was brough to Iowa by Voces de la Fontera. Instead, their story paints a picture of the poor, scared, and tear-streaked Flores family getting lectured by Walker.

“We’re a nation of laws,” Walker, the Republican governor of Wisconsin, repeatedly told Jose Flores, 38, who was joined by two of his four children, Luis, 7, and Leslie, 13, who had tears rolling down her cheeks throughout the exchange. Flores, who lives in Waukesha and works for a medical supply factory, said he and his wife live in fear of being deported and separated from their children, who he said were all born in the United States.

Since the entire exchange with the Flores family was a set-up, Gov. Walker got absolutely nothing for his time, patience, and sympathy. Here’s how ABC reported the aftermath:

The Flores family walked away from the interaction disappointed, the children in tears.

“He lied to us,” Flores said. “He lied to us because he say he support immigration reform and he support DACA, OK, so if he support DACA, why he blocking it?”

As much as groups like Voces de la Frontera would like to blame Gov. Walker for Mr. Flores’ situation, the fact is that at no point did Mr. Walker tell Jose Flores the truth: that his problems are of his own making. If Mr. Flores came into America illegally, it is in no way, shape, or form the fault of Scott Walker or anyone but Flores himself.