Former Texas governor Rick Perry denounced Donald Trump as a “cancer” on the Republican party, in an effort to placate members of donors and officials who are disturbed at the effect Trump’s candidacy is having on the 2016 presidential elections.

One line in particular of Perry’s prepared remarks, channelled President Obama’s own denunciation of Trump in 2011.

“He offers a barking carnival act that can be best described as Trumpism: a toxic mix of demagoguery, mean-spiritedness and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition if pursued,” Perry warned in his speech today.

Obama used similar language to denounce Trump in April of 2011, lecturing the press for being distracted by the billionaire’s antics surrounding the authenticity of his birth certificate.

“We’re not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers,” he said then, pointedly to reporters referring specifically to Trump.

“I’m speaking to the vast majority of the American people, as well as to the press,” Obama added. “We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We got better stuff to do. I’ve got better stuff to do.”