A representative for Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) told Breitbart News on Monday that he is not yet ready to announce his decision to support or oppose the Iran deal.

“Please see Rep. Lieu’s released statement on website,” Lieu communications director Jack D’Annibale told Breitbart News in an email on Monday. “No further update at this time.”

When asked if Rep. Lieu planned to hold a town hall-style meeting to discuss the issue with his constituents, D’Annibale deferred.

“He has been taking meetings with diverse groups of constituents and hearing diverse views of the issue and will continue to do so,” he told Breitbart.

Lieu, who represents the 33rd congressional district formerly represented by Henry Waxman, was scheduled to return from Israel on Monday. There, he reportedly attended meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas as part of a trip with 21 other freshman House Democrats.

Lieu’s deflection on a definitive decision comes as several other California Democrats have kept plans for their votes close to the chest.

On Thursday, a spokesman for Rep. Susan Davis told Breitbart News that the Congresswoman was doing her “due diligence” in researching the deal and remained undecided. Rep. Ami Bera similarly told Breitbart News that he would “continue to gather information” while he considers his decision.

Meanwhile, several California Democrats have come out in opposition to the agreement, including second-in-command of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Brad Sherman, as well as Rep. Juan Vargas.

Rep. Ed Royce, a California Republican, blasted the Obama administration last week for including in its Iranian negotiations several of the same team members who had worked on the nuclear accord with North Korea that was designed to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of that volatile country. North Korea cheated and is a nuclear power today.