Mark Levin, author of the new book Plunder and Deceit, discusses his latest work, its runaway success, and whether it’s already too late to save America with Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.

1. You are known for doing all of your research–how long did it take you to pull Plunder and Deceit together?

It typically takes me over a year to write a book — anywhere from 12-16 months. Plunder and Deceit took about 14 months. I always try to introduce philosophy, history, economics, etc., into my books, combine them with conservative and constitutional principles, and apply them to current issues, policies, and events. By the time I finish a book, the vast majority of my research is not used in the book because I am continually refining and crystallizing the arguments, highlighting the best arguments I can husband, until I’m satisfied with the final manuscript. It’s a very involved process.

2. How many books does this make now and what is the streak of New York Times #1 Bestsellers?

I’ve written six books over a period of about ten years. They’ve all been New York Times bestsellers. The most recent four books — Liberty and Tyranny, Ameritopia, The Liberty Amendments, and now Plunder and Deceit — were all #1 New York Times bestsellers on multiple lists. But I don’t write my books for the New York Times lists, I write them for my readers and listeners and fellow patriots. And I am always grateful when so many wonderful people purchase my books and take the time to read them.  I don’t take any of it for granted and I try to make it worth their while.

3. The scale of Plunder and Deceit reach is pretty stunning — what has been its full spectrum dominance?

Plunder and Deceit was released only ten days ago, so I really don’t know the full extent of its reach or impact. I am hoping that by word of mouth, after people read it, they’ll share it with — or recommend it to — family, friends, and co-workers because the case I make against big, centralized government as the greatest threat to the nation, especially younger people and future generations, is one that I believe is essential to fully comprehend. I’ve tried to build what’s akin to a prosecutor’s brief against government’s calamitous policies and agenda, with overwhelming evidence, in an appeal not only to parents and grandparents but particularly younger people. As the book’s subtitle states — Plunder and Deceit is about big government’s exploitation of young people and the future.

4. What is it about  this book that has struck such a chord at this time?

I believe there are tens of millions of Americans who refuse to give up on this country and wish to defend their children’s generation, despite the relentless and at times overwhelming assault on liberty and prosperity by the statists and their surrogates in and out of government. And one of the most effective ways to counter this is to inform ourselves of both the full extent of the threats and the possible solutions and recourse available to the citizenry. In a sense, Plunder and Deceit is a series of pamphlets, much like the pamphlets circulated by the colonists during the pre-revolutionary period, in which citizens can discuss among themselves the growing autocracy devouring their families and their lifestyles, and stir themselves to action. The media, academia, Hollywood, politicians, and political parties will not lead us out of this dystopia. They’ve promoted it! We must rely on ourselves, the grassroots if you will, to work out way out of this. And we must do all we can to persuade the next generation to act in its own defense. In the end, younger people face the gravest future.

5. Some say that the problems are so overwhelming we many never find our way out of them. What do you say to that?

I say nuts!  Whatever America looks like in 20, 50, or 100 years, we cannot and must not today surrender our country to such a bleak and miserable fate. This is not inevitable. Yes, the hour is late and the times are daunting. And there does come a time when it is not possible to unravel the tentacles of an increasingly oppressive Leviathan. But we cannot surrender our children, grandchildren, and future generations to endless social engineering and coercion by self-appointed masterminds. It’s not in my nature and, I dare say, it’s not in the nature of millions of my fellow countrymen. The purpose of Plunder and Deceit is to help arm my generation (I am 57 years old) and younger people with the knowledge, facts, and arguments to fight back. Great causes and events are started with ideas and principles. We must reacquaint ourselves with liberty and the American heritage. And we must rally ourselves and the next generation to our own survival as a free people.