According to a just-released PPP poll, Donald Trump is dominating the early primary state of New Hampshire.  Incredibly, Trump beats his second place GOP rival, Ohio Governor John Kasich, by more than 3 times the support, 35% to 11%.

Here’s the full rundown, which shows Walker, Rubio, and Bush in serious trouble.

Trump 35%

Kasich 11%

Fiorina 10%

Bush/Walker 7%

Carson 6%

Christie/Cruz/Rubio 4%

Since their last poll, Cruz has dropped -10 points, Paul lost -8, and Walker has completely cratered with a stunning -17 point drop. Walker, who was in first place with 24% support, is now tied for 4th place and sitting at just 7%.

Trump’s 35% showing again proves that his ceiling of support continues to climb. The media a Republican Establishment had openly hoped the billionaire businessman would get stuck below 25%.

According the Real Clear Politics poll of New Hampshire polls, Trump enjoys a comfortable +13.7 point lead.

On the Democrat side, socialist Bernie Sanders trounces the embattled Hillary Clinton by +7 points, 42% to 35%.

Sanders 42%

Clinton 35%

Webb 6%

O’Malley 4%

Chafee 2%

Lessig 1%

This is the second poll to show Sanders beating Hillary in New Hampshire. Two weeks ago, a poll showed Sanders up by the exact same margin of +7 points, 44% to 37%.




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