After John Kasich’s campaign revealed his campaign logo in July, some pundits noted it looked like bacon:

TIME reported that Kasich’s campaign has apparently decided that bacon accurately represents the campaign, as a version running in New Hampshire on Snapchat between 6 a.m. and noon Wednesday looks like this:

Think @JohnKasich‘s logo looks like bacon? So does he. h/t @ZekeJMiller & @jayfug #kasich2016

Scott Milburn, a Kasich campaign spokesman, told TIME, “Budget pork isn’t our taste but who doesn’t love bacon and, of course, who doesn’t love Snapchat? You’ve got to have some fun with it all, right?”

Of course, Kasich knows about pork, having engaged in pork-barrel politics in 2013 when he pushed for increasing the severance tax on Ohio’s oil and gas industry so he could lower taxes statewide. Kasich wanted to raise the severance tax rate to 4.5%, transmitting 25% of the revenues to 33 Appalachian counties, with 75% going to statewide income-tax reductions.