Donald Trump is denouncing President Barack Obama’s giveaway deal with Iran, following the announcement by Democrats that they have enough votes in the Senate to block any Senate pushback.

“It’s time for a real negotiator,” Trump declares in a new video.

Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee also slammed Obama and Congress after the Democratic announcement. “Weakness from the Obama Administration on Iran is to be expected. Why Congress allowing President Obama to cave to the Ayatollahs is another matter,” he said.

“What is the purpose of Senators and Congressmen if our imperial president can pass an international agreement opposed by 60 percent of Congress?” Huckabee said.

Thirty-four Democratic Senators now support the deal. That’s enough votes to uphold Obama’s expected veto of a pending GOP-led bill that would block the deal. But unless the GOP can convert at least one of the 34 supportive Democratic Senators, Obama’s giveaway will be on a solid legal foundation.

The Democrats’ deal provides Iran’s Islamic theocracy with at least $56 billion in assets, and perhaps $100 billion, in exchange for a promise not to build a nuclear weapons until at least eight years after Obama leaves office. The Democratic agreement allows Iran to use the freed funds for terror activities against Israel and nearby Arab states, and also to buy Russian and Chinese weaponry that can be used against nearby U.S. forces. The deal also bars the United States from verifying Iran’s compliance with its promise to not build nukes for 10 years.

The Democrats’ deal is expected to spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

Trump released his reaction through a video posted on social media. The video has Obama speaking about the show of leadership on its negotiation with Iran, but over Obama’s voice, Trump placed photos of hostages taken by Iran. At the end, text comes onto the screen that reads, “It’s time for a real negotiator,” followed by Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

Fellow GOP candidate, Huckabee also blasted the Obama Administration’s negotiating ability, saying, “It shouldn’t take a mushroom cloud for the American people to wake up! Iranian negotiators have squeezed eery last concession from this Administration, and the Free World has absolutely nothing to show for it.”

Huckabee also took a jab at Congress. “What is the purpose of Senators and Congressmen if our imperial president can pass an international agreement opposed by 60 percent of Congress?”