Assisted suicide has been resurrected and cleared its next to last hurdle through California’s State Senate Friday with Governor Jerry Brown the last opportunity for opponents to kill the bill.

SB 128 passed California’s state Senate in June 23-15; however, continued stalling and lack of support in the State Assembly shelved the bill.

The bill that passed the Senate Friday is AB X2-15, described in a statement from author Assembly Member Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) as, “nearly identical to SB128.” The statement on Eggman’s Assembly webpage continued, “Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) had worked closely with the senators on SB 128, and introduced the newer bill with their support in August, in the special extraordinary session on health care.” The bill passed the State Assembly Wednesday of this week.

Governor Jerry Brown has been quiet about whether he would sign the bill into law. He has expressed concern over such legislation in the past.

Assembly Health Committee analysis of SB 128 stated, “AIDS Project, Los Angeles and Equality California support this bill stating that this issue is particularly important because of its impact on the LGBT community, and noting that the roots of the death with dignity movement owes much to mothers of men dying painfully during the early days of the AIDS epidemic.”

Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) said the following of assisted suicide legislation SB 128 in January, “Although promoted as a compassionate option for the terminally ill, this bill will have a corrupting influence on public and private healthcare providers looking for ways to reduce the cost of end of life care.”

The effort to pass assisted suicide legislation in California gained steam when a young woman named Brittany Maynard sought to take her own life. Maynard had been diagnosed with terminal illness and moved to Oregon from California in order to take advantage of the fact that Oregon has legalized assisted suicide.

SB 128 was considered de facto dead after it stalled with Democrat opposition in June.

Right-to-die legislation (AB 651) pushed in 2005 failed to secure passage in 2006.

Psychologist Dr. Gina Loudon remarked on the assisted suicide legislation to Breitbart News, “This issue parallels gay marriage, abortion, and so many others. It isn’t about whether or not an individual can do it. It is about whether or not others get to decide when life is valued, or not. It is about giving government a front door key into your life and private decisions. Americans better catch onto this before government has their claws in every facet. Whatever powers you GIVE to government can and usually will be used against you. Mark my words, this assisted suicide legislation will be used against those advocating for it today.”

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