Dr. Gina Loudon

Tea Party Activists Support Ben Carson, Say Islamists Pose Threat to Constitution

Tea Party activists from around the country tell Breitbart News that Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who on Sunday criticized surging GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson’s recent statements on the role of Islam in American politics, misses the main point. Tea Party activists who spoke with Breitbart News set forth the view that Islamists pose a threat to the Constitution. Constitutionally limited government is one of the three core values of the Tea Party movement. The other two core values are fiscal responsibility and free markets.

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson delivers a speech to supporters Tuesday, Aug.

Tea Party Activists Blast Beck Over Racism Charges

Glenn Beck’s very public psychological disintegration is reaching new levels. On Tuesday, he made an unsubstantiated claim on his nationally syndicated radio program about the character of Tea Party activists who support Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley