Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who went to jail for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses because of her religious beliefs, returned to work Monday. GOP presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee – who held a rally for Davis – said he continues to support her for “staying true to her convictions.”

“Kim Davis is staying true to her convictions while allowing the overreaching judge in Kentucky to force her office to follow his directions to ignore the Kentucky Constitution and statutes to accommodate nothing less than the judicial tyranny of the Supreme Court,” Huckabee said in a press release.

In his speech at the Kim Davis rally the day of her release, Huckabee stressed she was imprisoned because of judicial tyranny and an overreach of one governmental branch, ignoring the checks and balances established in the Constitution.

He reiterated that opinion in his statement on Davis’ returning to work after spending almost a week in jail.

Huckabee concluded:

The only thing more shocking than an unelected judge ordering an elected official to jail is that most of the chattering class fail to realize that our Constitution is being shredded by ignoring the separation of powers, the equality of the branches, and the checks and balances that would prevent unelected lawyers from ruling the entire nation.