Donald Trump “is a madman who must be stopped.” He’s a “narcissist… insecure, weak and afraid of being exposed.” Also, he is a “shallow, unserious, substance-free.. egomaniac.”

But Gov. Bobby Jindal’s latest CNN op-ed strike on Trump is unlikely to leave a scratch, partly because Jindal is bumping along near zero percent in the polls, while Trump is reaching up to 40 percent in first-choice and second-choice votes. Jindal is at 0.3 percent in the poll ratings tracked by Real Clear Politics.

The ridicule however, is likely designed to distract and irritate Trump so he makes a more damaging mistake, just as Trump’s competitive instincts prompted him to slyly taunt Gov. Jeb. Bush as a “low energy” candidate.

But Jindal lays it on much thicker:

President Trump today announced that the first season of ‘The Apprentice: White House Edition’ will air on CBS this fall. Contestants, including Gary Busey, Ted Cruz and Kanye West, will vie for Cabinet positions. The announcement came as the newly renamed ‘Hair Force One’ touched down in South Dakota for the unveiling of President Trump’s face on Mount Rushmore. Meanwhile, first lady Melania had reason to celebrate as her White House-branded perfume, Trump, by Trump, hit Macy’s shelves … No, this is not a story from The Onion. It’s a vision of our future…

The problem with Donald Trump is that he will never be president… He would self-destruct in a general election. In fact, he may be Clinton’s only hope…

His problem with Washington isn’t big government, it’s that he’s not running it. He’s not liberal, moderate or conservative. He’s not Republican or Democrat. Donald Trump is for Donald Trump. He believes only in himself…

Sane conservatives need to stop enabling him. They need to stop praising him, stop being afraid of him and stop treating him rationally.

Jindal ends with a pitch for his candidacy: “If you want to stick it to the man so badly that you are willing to see Clinton win, vote for Trump. But if you want a politically incorrect conservative revolution, I’m the guy who can lead it.”

Read the entire op-ed here.