Columnist George Will argued Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) isn’t an outsider, and said of GOP candidate Donald Trump, “It would be nice to see him to get punched around by a woman” on Monday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.

Will said of Sanders, [relevant remarks begin around 1:40] “Well, Bernie Sanders is a curious case. If there’s a federal truth in labeling agency, they ought to look at this man. He says he’s an outsider. Outside of what? For all but I think 16 months, since 1981, he’s been in elected office. So, he’s a professional politician. Outside of the Democratic Party? He says, I’m an Independent, not a Democrat. He caucuses with the Democrats. He gets his committee assignments from the Democrats. He votes with the Democrats. And he’s seeking the nomination of, guess what, the Democratic Party. Then he says he’s a Socialist. No, no, Mr. Corbyn in London, that’s a Socialist. He wants the government to own the commanding heights of the economy. Mr. Sanders is called a Socialist because he believes in what everybody votes for every year when they vote for a budget, the entitlement structure of the United States. I don’t get the whole outsider shtick he’s doing.”

Will also commented on Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s ad responding to Trump’s comments about her face. He stated, [relevant remarks begin around 7:00] “I think she has a real gift for the counter-punch, and that’s something that Donald Trump, being a sort of native puncher, and somewhat of a bully, is not used to. It would be nice to see him to get punched around by a woman. But, if you accept the fact that it’s unlikely that American people are going to — the Republican Party is going to nominate someone who’s never held elected office before, something they rarely do, and haven’t done since Eisenhower, who was a world historic before he became president, then, you look at that poll we had up, and the leader is [Jeb] Bush at 8, and the worst person in the poll at 1%, is only 7 points behind the leader. So, in this very strange year, you have to look at the most plausible, and the least plausible, and it sorts itself out in a different way.”

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