Exclusive video from Brietbart News outside the GOP debate Wednesday shows a candid moment as union official Alejandra Valles, Secretary-Treasurer of the SEIU chapter United Service Workers West, directed a group of young protesters to “punch and kick” a photo of GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The playful pleas for pretend pugilism against the prominent presidential politician came at the end of a press conference that preceded a planned protest at the second Republican Presidential Debate planned for Wednesday evening.

“This is awesome! Awesome!” exclaimed the woman taking the photo, before jumping into the photo herself and saying, “I’m going to kick!” She then urged the group to make fists.

After exhorting an image of violence, she then led the group in a chant of “Denounce the hate at the GOP debate.”

Ironically, some of the protestors being told to simulate assaults on Donald Trump held signs saying that they were not “thugs,” while others held signs opposing “hate.”

Another sign indicated that the person holding it did not wish to be indentified as a “wetbag.” It was unclear at press time what a wetbag is.