Silicon Valley-area Democratic congressional candidate Ro Khanna received a powerful endorsement on Thursday from State Senate President Kevin de Léon (D-Los Angeles).

De Léon is part of a growing number of powerful Democrats who have turned their backs on eight-term incumbent Rep. Mike Honda, particularly in light of an ethics controversy in which he is accused of having mixed government and campaign business in 2013.

“Ro Khanna values the ideals that the Democratic Party stands for: [E]qual rights, standing up for working families, protecting social security and Medicare, fighting for clean air and water, expanding the middle class and making sure everyone has a fair shot at the American Dream,” de Léon said in a statement, according to Bay Area political tracking blog

“Not only is he bringing more people into the political process, but I know his commitment to ground-up power will ensure his office stays in touch with the needs of the people he represents, and not just wealthy donors and the special interests.”

Khanna extended his thanks to De Léon for the endorsement on Twitter:

He also issued a response of his own, saying de Léon “embodies everything that’s great about the Democratic Party,” according to

I am deeply honored by the confidence and trust Kevin de Leon is placing in me. I look forward to being a strong and active partner with him as we take these California policies and work to adapt them in Washington.

Khanna lost by a very narrow margin of 3.6% during last November’s general election. He had the backing of many powerful tech industry donors last election cycle and has enjoyed their continued support while garnering even more over the past few months. The Silicon Valley race was one of the most expensive in the Golden State in 2014.

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