GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s campaign is calling a report by MSNBC “absurd.” The reporter, whose wife works at Planned Parenthood, tried to discredit and challenge Fiorina’s statement about the Planned Parenthood videos at the second GOP primary debate.

Fiorina, who is pro-life, addressed the viral undercover videos that exposed Planned Parenthood officials allegedly attempting to sell aborted baby body parts during the debate, describing in detail, “a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.'”

After Fiorina made those statements, the mainstream media challenged that a Planned Parenthood video didn’t exist with the details Fiorina described. To rebut those attacks, CARLY for America, the super PAC supporting Fiorina, put out a video showing the footage that Fiorina described from the Planned Parenthood videos.

MSNBC’s Steve Benen — whose wife works at Planned Parenthood — is challenging the video produced by CARLY for America, claiming it was heavily edited and not from footage taken from the Planned Parenthood videos.

Fiorina’s spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores responded to MSNBC’s report, telling Breitbart News:

The pro-abortion Left is twisting themselves in knots because Carly told 23 million people about Planned Parenthood’s butchery of babies for their organs. They’ve attacked Carly as a liar because she told the truth about the abortion industry, but a majority of Americans now believe that it’s time to end late term abortions.