A Texas death row inmate who murdered a man to steal eight dollars insists he doesn’t deserve to die for the crime. Juan Martin Garcia shot 32-year-old Hugo Solano in the head in 1998 in his effort to rob the man. He is sentenced to be executed by lethal injection on Tuesday.

The Associated Press report states:

A Texas inmate set to be executed acknowledges shooting a Mexican man who was robbed of $8 but insists he doesn’t deserve to die for the killing 17 years ago in Houston.

Thirty-five-year-old Juan Martin Garcia is to be lethally injected on Tuesday. His execution would be the 11th this year in Texas, which carries out capital punishment more than any other state.

No late appeals seeking to block the execution are in the courts.

Garcia says his case is not a capital one. He contends he was railroaded for not testifying in his own defense at his 2000 trial.

Evidence at trial and a companion’s testimony identified Garcia as the ringleader of four men involved in the September 1998 shooting and robbery of Hugo Solano outside Solano’s apartment complex.

A search through court records reveals that the cold-blooded murderer worked as a landscaper and was 18-years-old at the time of the slaying. He approached his victim and demanded money outside of an apartment complex in Houston, Texas. He shot the victim in the head and then took the eight dollars.

The killer has an account on Prison Pen Pals where he sought for a woman to engage in a relationship. He also asked for women to send him pictures–such items are a hot commodity in prisons. Inmates often masturbate to the images and then sell or trade them to other inmates so that they can also masturbate while gazing upon the person in the picture.

Garcia’s profile states:

Hello friends,

I want to start off this letter by taking the time to introduce myself to you. My full name is Juan Martin Garcia and I am a 32 year old (2012) Eagle Aztec Indian Hispanic male from Houston, Texas.  I was sentenced to Texas death row on February 25th 2000 and I am still fighting. So as I sit here in this lil cell all that I have on my mind is to find some woman that with open minds that are non- judgmental, because in this place all who surround me are inmates and officials.

I have been locked up since I was 18 years old and doing time like this; I am use to it,  it’s not having any people to talk to or to correspond with that gets to me. I it’s  the thought of people overlooking my web page’s believing all that they have heard of me and believe it without really getting to know me. So I hope it’s not too much to as I would like to hear from you and how you and your loved ones are doing. I just got divorced last year and due to the kind of divorce it was that I didn’t know of until after I had signed them and made my attorneys look int it is when the pain hit but it was some what the right thing to do but not having to give up all of my father rights to them without talking it over with me about it, so I lost all of my father’s rights to my kids.  Now that the divorce is final, I am really longing for someone that can help me to get over the pain. Getting over the pain from killing me inside due to the stupid, foolish, mistakes that I made in my life, and to be honest it would help to feel as a father again if you have kids yourself but if not I still would like to hear from you.

I like to draw. And my kids birthdays are coming up and my son will be 15 years old, my lil girl will be 14 years old and my other lil girl will be 11 years old. Their birthdays all fall around the holidays so it’s never as happy as I try to make it seem like I am. I just keep all the pain inside. So I hope that no one will feel disrespected what I am about to say  but I am looking for women who already know what they want in life and that are not into just playing with an inmate. This because I have been through pain all of my life and just when I started to start a family and change my life my past came back and stabbed me in the back.

So if you do decide to write, I just want to ask for you to be yourself and be as honest as you can be, because it’s better to be honest then to lie your way into a friendship and then get kicked down like a lot of the inmates in here have gotten, due to the their lies and now just spend their time lying and hating on other inmates that are just trying to do their own prison time. And just worrying about when other inmates getting my mail and answering back to it with lies and just so I don’t get any mail and so I can keep trying to keep from living their life.

So I don’t get mail as I used to do. The inmates in here but I just don’t let their mind games get to me and do all that there is to do to just act as if I don’t see them or hear them. So I would like to hear from you and hope that someone can help get this pain to stop so If you know who you are, make yourself seen I will be waiting A loving friend.

Much Love and respect,

Juan Martin

PS: The picture above was taken early 2012; I would love to have a picture of you as well.

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