Wendy Davis, the former Democrat Texas state senator and failed candidate for Texas governor resurfaced Sunday to slam Carly Fiorina over comments the Republican female presidential candidate made about Planned Parenthood selling late term abortion baby parts. Davis also endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

In a 10 minute interview with Austin NBC affiliate KXAN-TV, Davis claimed Fiorina “alleged that there were activities that took place in those [Planned Parenthood] videos that absolutely were not true” at the last Republican presidential candidate debate.

During the debate, Fiorina responded to gruesome undercover footage that exposed Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby-parts for profit. Fiorina said: “As regards Planned Parenthood, anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”

Davis, best known for her catheter-wearing, pink sneaker-footed 11-hour filibuster to support late term abortions when she was in the Texas state senate, painted Fiorina as “disingenuous” and “dishonest” and even self-serving. She asserted Fiorina tried to “cover up and excuse the comments she made during that debate, created her own video out of whole cloth essentially, that has nothing to do with anything that occurred at a Planned Parenthood facility.”

Despite Davis’ and mainstream media attempts to dismiss Fiorina’s impassioned remarks, no evidence surfaced to prove Fiorina wrong. Breitbart News cited the Federalist, which explained that Fiorina was “likely referring to the entirety of the 10 videos, including the seventh video released by the Center for Medical Progress. Watch the full video for yourself. It does, in fact, show a fully formed fetus, heart beating and legs kicking.” It also showed Holly O’Donnell, the StemExpress whistleblower, a former organ harvester who worked at a Planned Parenthood affiliate, graphically discuss the harvesting of a brain from a baby whose heart was beating.

Davis failed in her attempt at the governorship last November in an embarrassing 20-point loss to Abbott. Yet when asked by KXAN, Davis could not pinpoint any campaign weaknesses and instead blamed an “abysmally low voter turn-out,” decrying Texas state law that requires its voters to show proof of U.S. citizenship in addition to Texas residency. She faulted the law as having a “dampening effect” on voter participation, heralding the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals the preferred arbiter of whether Texas voter ID law should pass “constitutional muster.”

The lengthy TV news segment hit other usual mainstream media talking points – war on women, “gender equality,” achievement and opportunity gaps, voter redistricting, and raising the minimum wage. Davis even insisted Fiorina has a problem against women.

Earlier this week, Davis endorsed Hillary Clinton for President as “the right person to lead our country” while attacking fellow Texan and constitutional conservative US Sen. Ted Cruz as “not fit to lead.” She charged Fiorina’s character as not up to leadership.

Speaking of character, former gubernatorial candidate Davis admitted to lying to the Dallas Morning News about her life story, fudging details of her first divorce, the second husband who funded her law school degree (the same husband she dumped after he made the last tuition payment), losing custody of her two daughters, and running for Fort Worth City Council as a Republican. In a memoir released shortly before the 2014 election she lost, Davis dropped a bomb about her own two abortions.

Follow Merrill Hope on Twitter @OutOfTheBoxMom.