Unlike the rest of the nation, Barack Obama’s approval ratings have risen significantly in the last five months in California.

According to a new Field poll, 60% of the state’s registered voters now approve of Obama’s performance, with 33% disapproving, as opposed to 53%who approved in May==a seven-point gain in approval.

Yet according to the averages compiled of nationwide polls by RealClearPolitics.com, only 45.1% of Americans approve of Obama’s performance, while 49.9% disapprove. In May, those same national averages were 50.3% disapproving, virtually the same as the current percentage, while 45.9% approved.

The Field poll found 58% of Californians approved of Obama’s economic policies, while 36% disapproved; 49% of voters approve of his foreign policy, while 42% disapproved.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, California’s unemployment rate in August was the eighth-highest in the nation. In addition, the national labor participation rate in September was 62.4, the lowest recorded in at least 25 years.

Obama’s approval ratings have vacillated wildly in California, from 65% in 2008 when he was elected, to under 50% in late 2011. After his second election, his approval ratings again soared to 62%, but by September 2014 they had dipped to 45%.

Based on those polls, it would seem Californians typically respond positively to Obama’s campaigning but not his performance in office.

Predictably, 84% of Democrats approve of Obama’s management of the economy and 70% approve of his foreign policy, while 73% of Republicans disapprove of his economic performance and 77% disapprove of his foreign policy.

At a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee on Saturday in San Francisco, Obama pleased the crowd immensely, stating of his future, “I’m not going to hold elective office, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to stop working on these issues. I’m just getting started. We’re going to be working side-by-side to make sure the system is responsive,” according to  the San Francisco Chronicle.