It was painfully obvious last week that the DC media had decided the email scandal was doing too much damage to Hillary Clinton. Between NBC’s five-day pro-Hillary infomercial and the “sudden” appearance of CNN’s Benghazi Committee “whistleblower,” the media isn’t even trying to cover up its coordination campaigns. That this same DC media exploded into cheers during last night’s debate when Bernie Sanders called for the media to stop covering the scandal comes as no surprise.

Courtesy of Gateway Pundit:

Keep in mind that this is the same media that hate-stormed Ben Carson for a week simply for suggesting school shooting victims practice self defense and that Nazi-era Jews would have offered even more resistance  had their guns not been confiscated in advance of the Holocaust.

Had New Media not pushed the email story and had Hillary’s poll numbers not plummeted as a result, the DC media had already dropped the scandal. Hillary’s collapsing poll numbers made it impossible for the DC media to continue ignore it. Then things got even worse for Hillary, which meant something had to be done.

The NBC News rehab week combined with the phony, over-hyped whistleblower is a combined effort to try and finally kill the scandal off for good.

The cheering in the press room speaks volumes but doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know.


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