NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” opened Saturday with a reenactment of the CNN Democratic Debate from this past week.

Actor Jon Rudnitsky played debate host Anderson Cooper, Kyle Mooney played Lincoln Chafee, Taran Killam played Martin O’Malley, Kate McKinnon assumed her usual role as Hillary Clinton, Alec Baldwin played Jim Webb and Larry David played as Bernie Sanders.

Baldwin’s Webb mocked the lack of time he was getting at the debate and David’s Sanders mimicked the “American people are sick and tired of hearing about your d— e-mails!” quip that Sanders made at the debate.

“I mean 2008, of course I lost, I was running against a cool black guy. But I thought this year I got to be the cool black guy.” McKinnon’s Clinton said. “Let me leave you with one sobering thought. if you get in bed with Bernie Sanders tonight, you’re going to wake up with President Trump tomorrow. So instead, get into bed with me, Hillary Clinton.”

The skit concluded with a surprise announcement by David’s Sanders, which was that he would be running as Hillary Clinton’s Vice President “come next November.”

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