British Prime Minister David Cameron has been unveiled as one of 2015’s new Christmas ‘caganers’. He joins Hillary Clinton (pictured above with Mr. Cameron) and other politicians, celebrities and famous characters who have been immortalised by the Spanish tradition.

Barack Obama Caganer figurine –

‘El Caganer’ – literally ‘the crapper’ or ‘the shitter’ – is a figurine which traditionally depicts a young peasant from Catalonia, sporting a red cap and smoking a pipe, defecating behind Mary and Joseph. The website,, produces modern versions representing celebrities and authority figures such as last year’s big-selling President Obama (pictured right).

According to : “The Caganer is a likeable, well loved and respected figure in the typical Catalan Nativity crib. He is not meant as a jest, rather just the opposite, it is a type of homage to his/her personality, and the office and activity he/she represents.”

The somewhat scatalogical addition is a popular addition to nativity scenes in Catalonia, and neighbouring areas influenced by Catalan culture such as Andorra, Valencia and Northern Catalonia. Spreading as far as Portugal and southern Italy, El Caganer is said to symbolise fertilisation, as well as bringing luck and prosperity for the year ahead.

This year has maintained its record of contemporary targets, reports The Local. For example, the company has tapped into the current Star Wars frenzy with a new Princess Leia figurine.

Princess Leia Caganer figurine –

While other top-sellers offered by the website include the Queen of England and Russian President Vladimir Putin, it is not known how many of the bizarre Gordon Brown or Alex Salmond figurines are sold at €16 each.

For those who would rather add a touch of glamour to their nativity scenes, this year the site has also introduced their new Elton John figurine.

Elton John Caganer figurine –


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