Kentucky Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul declared Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “a neo-con” and argued, “she and Marco Rubio they are very similar on their foreign policy” on Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball.”

After Rand criticized former Vice President Dick Cheney’s foreign policy decisions, in particular the war in Iraq. He stated, “do you know who Marco Rubio agrees with? Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton supported the first war in Iraq. She supported the war in Libya, the war in Syria, and she’s supporting a no fly zone. …  I think Hillary Clinton is a neo-con. I think she’s a — I think Hillary Clinton’s neo-conservative and I think that she and Marco Rubio they are very similar on their foreign policy.”

He added, “if Hillary Clinton is president, we will be back at war in the Middle East.”

Rand then said of Russia, “All throughout the cold war, republicans and democrat presidents talked to the Russians. We never stopped talking, and that was a good thing, that avoided calamity. We have people, and I think actually frankly, Marco Rubio is one that are naive, and say, we need a no-fly zone, and I’m not talking to Putin. Carly Fiorina says the same thing. … It’s a recipe for disaster. It’s a recipe for getting involved in a third world war. I’m not saying we roll over to Russia. In fact, we need to be strong. We need to negotiate from a position of strength, but we don’t need to say we’re going to shoot down your planes if they fly over Iraq. That is a recipe for disaster. But that’s a position of Hillary Clinton, and six or seven of the Republicans, no-fly zone over Iraq, it’s a recipe for disaster.”

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