Former Texas state senator Wendy Davis said in an interview published Tuesday that she had an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy “out of love” for her daughter.

In an interview with Mic, Davis said, “I discovered that my daughter was suffering from an irreparable and non-life sustaining brain deformation or malformation, and it was one of the most heart-wrenching decisions I’ve ever had to make, and I made my decision out of love.”

As reported by, reporter Elizabeth Plank attended a pro-life conference and interviewed participants first about whether abortion itself is murder, and, second, about whether a woman who has an abortion is a murderer.

“On the surface, these people believe that life starts at conception and that abortion is murder,” Plank explains. “But when we got beyond the rhetoric, the people we spoke to were loving, kind-hearted, and sympathetic.

“And the way they view a woman who has had an abortion is very different than how they would view a woman who hires a hit on her own child,” she continues.

“No pro-life person will ever be.. say incriminate the woman,” one conference pro-lifer said.

Davis – who reached media rock star status two years ago when she filibustered a bill that would ban late-term abortions in Texas – ultimately lost her bid for governor by 20 percentage points to current Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R).

In a Breitbart News exclusive in May, Davis was asked at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser why it was acceptable to abort a seven-pound baby.

“That never happens. It never happens. It really never happens,” she said, and added:

And, the only time that late term abortions occur is when something has gone horribly wrong and either the mother’s life is in danger or the child’s life is in a very precarious situation. What we can’t ever know is what people are dealing with when they make those personal choices. And, it’s not right for us to step into their shoes, is what I tell people.

In January of 2014, Davis admitted she lied about key events in her life – including her divorce, and in January of this year, Davis also admitted she was faking her support for gun rights in order to obtain votes in her gubernatorial bid.