Digital News Outlet Mic Lays off Majority of Staffers
The left wing digital news outlet outlet Mic is laying off a majority of its staff and looking to sell its remaining assets, reports Recode.

The left wing digital news outlet outlet Mic is laying off a majority of its staff and looking to sell its remaining assets, reports Recode.
Meow! Mic’s fashion editor Evan Ross Katz gets a bit catty in an article about Breitbart News’s wildly popular Fashion Notes columns by John Binder which chronicle First Lady Melania Trump’s sartorial fabulousness.
Far-left news site Mic fired Jack Smith IV, a reporter and video correspondent, due to “disturbing allegations” of emotional abuse and incidents of coercive sex made in a recently published article from Jezebel.
Emily Singer, a senior political reporter for, set off a mini Red Scare Tuesday morning by suggesting a White House staffer pictured in the Oval Office was actually an alleged Russian spy — then scrubbed the quickly debunked claim
Actor Alec Baldwin cut a video for the leftist Mic news site Thursday, urging supporters to join in the effort to help protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. has fired 25 employees in preparation for a pivot from written news to video, according to a report.
“Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump’s audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall,” the Commission on Presidential Debates say in a carefully worded email to reporters.
Even after death, conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly continues to get under the skin of radical feminists, who refuse to let her rest in peace.
As violence continues to occur in and around Black Lives Matter demonstrations, one cyber security intelligence firm argues that America is witnessing an unmistakable trend of further radicalization within the leftist grassroots movement.
PURCELLVILLE, VA — Sen. Marco Rubio mocked a protester in Virginia this afternoon after linked protesters disrupted his rally by holding up signs accusing the Florida Senator of being an “empty suit.”
Former Texas state senator Wendy Davis said in an interview published Tuesday that she had an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy “out of love” for her daughter.