Congressional candidate Becky Gerritson (R-Wetumpka) said that she is against President Obama’s “Islamic Importation Plan” and promises to oppose any legislation that would allow un-vetted Syrian refugees into the United States.

“I promise to fight President Obama’s open arms policy and oppose all legislation that invites danger into the lives of the men, women, and children of this great nation,” Gerritson said in a statement. “In essence, this is Obama’s Islamic Importation Plan; and we cannot risk adopting his strategy that fails to screen against importing terrorists into this country.”

Garritson, who is challenging Rep. Martha Roby, said that she sympathizes for the innocent refugees who are fleeing their war-torn countries but believes that the safety of the country should be the number one priority. Garritson said:

The safety of American people must come first. This president’s incoherent foreign policy has largely caused this crisis, and my heart goes out to all those who have been displaced. What we cannot afford, however, is the mass importation of un-vetted, undocumented refugees who come from a warring part of the world that is home to many who cling to an ideology of American hatred. Not all who we would bring over would feel this way, but the risk of even one terrorist getting through is far too great and the cost is far too terrible for us to allow bleeding heart liberals and status quo politicians to dictate our policy on this issue.

Gerritson also took aim at her opponent Roby by suggesting that she has lost touch with her constituents:

Once again our congressional representative, who claims to know better, has proven complicit with the liberal agenda in Washington. The people of Alabama are tired of Martha’s empty rhetoric, pathetic show votes, and complicity and partnership with a Washington ruling class that continues to put our security, our national sovereignty, and our very way of life in jeopardy to suit their agenda. Having seen Martha take votes to fund Obama’s Executive Amnesty and now his ‘Islamic Importation Plan,’ the people of District 2 have lost all faith in her ability to represent us.