Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld argued, “The White House mascot should be the ostrich, head in the sand, and all we see is a**” on Monday’s broadcast of “The Five.”

Gutfeld said,”it’s strange how he never asks the media for perspective when emotional responses help him out, the climate change, guns, or even his own popularity. When the press fell head over heels over him, he never said, ‘A little perspective guys, I’m not all that.’ Nope, when it’s his crusade, you better lick that boot. But maybe he’s worried that terror steals the spotlight from climate change, which, as you know causes all terror. True, high temperatures create jihadists, just look at the ISIS franchises popping up all over drought-ridden California, oh, wait. But we’re used to our concern being smeared as fear-mongering. O’s disdain for our priorities feels lifted from ‘West Wing’ scripts, where such mockery passes for thoughtfulness, and it blocks any path to unity. The White House mascot should be the ostrich, head in the sand, and all we see is a**.”

He also stated, “there is no Islamaphobia when you’re extinguishing a wildfire.”

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