MINNEAPOLIS—Some participants in the funeral procession for Jamar Clark waved liquor bottles and chanted “fuck the police” as the procession made its way though the block that protesters have occupied as part of a Justice For Jamar campaign.

Hundreds of protesters stood with their fists in the air in a black power salute as the funeral procession passed for Jamar Clark, the 24-year-old who was shot and killed by police responding to a call that Clark was beating his girlfriend and then was beating paramedics trying to help her. Police say Clark grabbed an officer’s gun. Protesters claim he was handcuffed, but no evidence has been released that shows that. Clark had a previous conviction for domestic abuse and had grabbed an officer’s gun in a previous incident.

The funeral procession, which had a police escort, began with cars officially part of the proceeding, including the hearse carrying Mr. Clark.

Cars coming later in the procession, however, were raucous. As the cars stopped in the protester encampment, people in cars also raised their fists and hung out of windows.

Prior to the procession, media representatives from the Black Lives Matter protests said they didn’t want any press interviews in order to preserve the dignity of the funeral procession.