Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld stated, “Remember when we nailed President Obama for his Special Olympics joke? A code requires that we do the same here and now” while discussing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s mockery of Serge Kovaleski on Monday’s broadcast of “The Five.”

Gutfeld said Trump was making fun of Kovaleski in a way that “seems to play off a disability.” He continued, “I’ll admit it, I cringed. But hey, as long as he’s in front, who cares? Well, I do, and fans of ‘The Five’ do, too. They’re fans of this show because they like how we treat each other. If they saw their son pulling a Trump, they’d smack him, but it’s not Trump’s fault, it’s the enablers who indulge him.”

Gutfeld added, “That’s my role here Donald, I care. I’m telling you knock it off, because clearly, no one else will. Stop treating this like a Blue Collar Comedy Tour. You’re not Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. You need fewer toadies, and more folks who operate under a code. And a code is a set of principles that exists independent of politics. A person with a code reacts consistently to actions regardless of who did it. Remember when we nailed President Obama for his Special Olympics joke? A code requires that we do the same here and now. So, no more excuses, exaggerations, and impressions. You’re running for president, believe it or not.”

He later asked, “Why do some people choose to accept behavior in one person, but not in another? … For example, if President Obama had made a joke about [Sen.] John McCain (R-AZ) being handicapped from his war injuries, and being a POW, and not being a hero, we would have the pitchforks.”

Gutfeld also argued, “we don’t have a standard for him. We’re letting him get away with everything. If any of us had done that, we would be — I don’t think we’d have a job. And we’re not running for president.”

Gutfeld concluded the segment by stating Trump did know Kovaleski, “and he says he has a fantastic memory. So, I mean, he remembered the thousands and of thousands of people that we have no documentation of celebrating 9/11 — no physical documentation. He remembered that. So, I don’t know, it’s weird. It’s very weird.”

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