Planned Parenthood wants a National Day of #Solidarity on Saturday, December 5, and what it calls an “end to the inflammatory rhetoric that has vilified and fueled attacks not only against Planned Parenthood and abortion providers, but also against the black community, immigrants, refugees, and the transgender community.”

“National Day of #Solidarity is a time to gather together in the aftermath of recent violence,” the abortion business states on its Facebook page.

“It’s not just Planned Parenthood and abortion providers — we’ve seen this violence and hateful rhetoric against the Black community, immigrants, refugees, and against the LGBQ and transgender community and it’s time to stand together as a community to say — enough.”

In a tweet, Lila Rose, president of pro-life group Live Action, questioned whether Planned Parenthood will stand against the violence of abortion as well:

The website for sign-ups for the Washington D.C. event states, “One of the lessons of the tragedy in Colorado is that words matter, and hateful rhetoric fuels violence.”