Moments after President Obama finished his brief primetime address from the Oval Office on Sunday night where he repeated his strategy to defeat the Islamic State (ISIS), GOP frontrunner Donald Trump posted on Twitter, “Is that all there is? We need a new President – FAST!”

Trump went on to critique Obama’s use of “ISIL” instead of “ISIS” for the Islamic State.

“Wish Obama would say ISIS, like almost everyone else, rather than ISIL,” Trump posted, adding, “Should have gone after the oil years ago (like I have been saying).”

Trump also slammed Obama for ignoring the role of Islam.

Then retweeted a tweet from a supporter.

Carly Fiorina also posted on Twitter after Obama’s speech: “Vintage Obama: No strategy, no leadership. Politics as usual.” She also included a video discussing her plan to defeat ISIS.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) released a statement prior to Obama’s address this evening.

The reality is that what President Obama, Secretary Kerry and Hillary Clinton have done has not worked. Their policies have in fact made the world more dangerous. It is time for a dramatic shift in both foreign and national security policy. Tonight when President Obama addresses the nation, I hope that he will acknowledge and take responsibility for the failed policies of his administration and will take concrete steps to reverse the damage done.

Like Trump and Fiorina, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum took to Twitter to mock the president.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Fox News following Obama’s address and told host Bret Baier, “This is a president that called [ISIS] the JV when they first emerged.”

He said Obama “called the attacks in Paris a ‘setback,’” adding that after the Paris attack, Obama only showed emotion toward attacking the GOP candidates pushing to stop the Syrian refugee resettlement program.

“We continue to conduct very limited air assaults,” Rubio added, saying ISIS won’t be defeated only with air assaults.

Rubio also said gun control wouldn’t have prevented the attack in San Bernardino, California.


GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) released a statement Sunday night after Obama’s address criticizing Obama’s call for gun control:

The President tonight continued his failure of leadership and his outrageous quest to turn a necessary discussion on terrorism and national security into an unnecessary and ineffective gun control debate.

Let me be clear: disarming more law-abiding citizens will not stop mass murderers and terrorists.  We should be advocating for more concealed carry ability for law-abiding Americans and an end to unconstitutional gun-free zones.


Dr. Ben Carson released a statement Monday following President Obama’s address on terrorism from the Oval Office on Sunday night.

Last night’s Oval Office address by President Obama will do nothing to convince the American people that we are any closer to victory over radical Islam, or ISIS in particular.

The only real news this weekend as that the female shooting suspect in California was apparently approved for a visa from the Department of Homeland Security, using a fake address on her application.

The only sensible next step is to completely stop the President’s Syrian Refugee program.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee released his response to Obama’s speech late Sunday night after an appearance on Fox News, saying, “We are at war with radical Islam,” adding, “We must stand up to radical Islamic terrorism before another American life is lost.”