Florida Sheriff Wayne Ivey is urging county residents with a concealed permit to carry guns with them and be mentally prepared to use those guns to defend themselves from terrorists.

According to Fox 13 News, the Brevard County Sheriff said, “Let there there be no mistake…The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. If you’re a person who is legally licensed to carry a firearm, now is the time more than ever to realize that you, and you alone, may very well be the first line of defense for you and your family.”

Ivey explained that his call for citizens to carry is “about being able to survive an attack by armed, evil people until the cavalry can arrive.”

The sheriff made clear he is “in no way” calling for vigilantism. Rather, he wants citizens “to be mentally and physically prepared to respond to an attack, so [they] can effectively defend and protect [themselves].”

Ivey also called on national leaders to drop the political correctness and start “targeting terrorists.”

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