Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is still leading, according to a new poll that was taken after he called for the temporary ban of Muslims entering into the United States.

The new Reuters/Ipsos poll has Trump leading the Republican field with 35 percent support, followed by Ben Carson with 12 percent. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush are at 10 percent.

Most Republicans surveyed also said that they didn’t find Trump’s policy offensive. Only 29 percent of Republicans found the remarks offensive, whereas 64 percent said they didn’t find them offensive.

Democrats polled found Trump’s comments controversial, with 72 percent saying they were offensive.

On Monday, Donald Trump created a media frenzy when he called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering into the United States.”

Republican and Democratic presidential candidates attacked Trump for his anti-Muslim stance, but it appears Republican voters’ opinion of Trump has remained unchanged.

The online poll was taken from December 8 to 11 and included 481 Republicans. The poll had a credibility interval of five percentage points.