
Exclusive – Cliff Sims: ‘Really Shocked’ to See the ‘DEI Office’ and ‘Politicization of the Intelligence Community’ in the CIA Building

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) offices should be “abolished” within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the intelligence community, Cliff Sims, who served as the deputy director of national intelligence under former President Donald Trump, said during an interview on Breitbart News Saturday, adding that he was surprised to see the DEI office in the CIA headquarters and by the “politicization” inside the intelligence community.

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Saudi Arabia Sentences Shia Woman to 34 Years in Prison for Retweets

A court in Sunni-majority Saudi Arabia sentenced a Saudi woman and adherent of Shia Islam to 34 years in prison on Monday for using her personal Twitter account to “create public turmoil and destabilize civil and national security” by re-Tweeting posts demanding the Saudi government release women’s rights activists from prison, Turkey’s Hürriyet newspaper reported on Wednesday.

A court in Sunni-majority Saudi Arabia sentenced a Saudi woman and adherent of Shia Islam

Nigeria: Muslim College Student Mob Beats, Burns Christian to Death over Alleged ‘Blasphemy’

A mob of Muslim students at a college in northern Nigeria beat a fellow student to death and burned her corpse on campus on Thursday after accusing the woman of “blasphemy” against Islam for allegedly suggesting her peers stop posting religious content on a student-run instant messaging group, the Nigerian online newspaper the Paradise News reported on Friday.

A mob of Muslim students at a college in northern Nigeria beat a fellow student to death

Christians in Lands of Persecution Fear Attacks on Easter

Christians living in countries hostile to Christianity often face increased fears for their personal safety in the run-up to the Easter holiday, Mike Gore, the CEO of Open Doors Australia and New Zealand (an organization that aids persecuted Christians) wrote in an op-ed for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on Thursday.

Christians faithfuls hold signs as they march on the streets of Abuja during a prayer and

Muslims Worldwide Mark Beginning of Ramadan 2022

Muslims across the globe prepared for the start of Ramadan — a month-long holiday during which adherents of Islam participate in a fast from dawn to sunset — on Friday. Islamic faithful observe Ramadan annually as it serves as one of

A Lebanese woman shops for decorations in preparation for the upcoming Islamic holy month