In an interview set to air on Sunday’s “Face the Nation” on CBS, “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert revealed there is “one saving grace” about Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, which he argued was his ability to take on the “machine” of the Republican Party.

“There’s a populism to Trump that I found very appealing,” Colbert said. “The party elders would like him to go away but the people have decided that he is not going to … I may disagree with anything that he’s saying and think that his proposals are a little…well, more than a little shocking. But there is something really hopeful about the fact that, well, 36 percent of the likely voters want him so the people in the machine don’t get to say otherwise. That’s the one saving grace, I think, of his candidacy.”

Colbert went on to explain why he sees Trump’s emotional appeal to voters as something that is respectable.

“What I do respect is that he knows it is an emotional appeal,” Colbert added. “And it might be emotional appeals that I can’t respect. But he knows that you have to appeal to the voter. And that’s why, I may be wrong — I made a big deal about there’s no way he’s gonna win.”

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