Drudge Report editor, Breitbart News contributor, and Washington Times columnist Charles Hurt said establishment Republicans are “looking for a third-tier person” to challenge Donald Trump and Ted Cruz on the Tuesday edition of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report.”

Hurt said, “Sure, endorsements are important, but I don’t know that getting member of Congress to endorse your campaign at this point does much good, and I agree with what Charles is saying, this idea that they’re going to attack Marco Rubio for missing votes, in a body that they’re all ridiculing is sort of insane, and especially because one of the big hits against him among real strong conservatives is the votes that he has taken with regards to immigration. I think that one of the real big problems right now is that, you know, the number two guy, and the number one guy in Iowa, and the number two guy nationally, Ted Cruz, is not as unpalatable as Donald Trump, but he is still very unpalatable for a lot of establishment Republicans. And because of that unique dynamic, it’s just very hard for — you’re looking for a third-tier person to kind of step up and become that challenger.”

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