PELLA, IOWA – Rep. Trey Gowdy says he trusts Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey to conduct a thorough investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email scandal.

Speaking at the Pella Golf and Country Club alongside his presidential pick Sen. Marco Rubio, Gowdy placed his confidence in Comey, calling him an “honorable” and “apolitical” public servant, “which is exactly what you want in law enforcement.”

Gowdy introduced Rubio and then took a question about Clinton’s email scandal.

“I’m going to let them do their work,” Gowdy said. “I confess my bias upfront. I used to work with him [Comey]. I think Comey is doing exactly what you want, he’s doing a serious investigation behind closed doors, away from the media’s attention, and I’m going to trust him until I see any reason not to.”

Rubio took the opportunity to slam Hillary Clinton.

“None of our candidates are under FBI investigation,” Rubio said about the Republican field.

“I believe that what Hillary Clinton did with that information completely disqualifies her to be president,” Rubio said to applause.

“If a member of my staff were to walk out of my building with classified information, they would not only be fired, they would be prosecuted,” said Rubio.

“‘I’m Hillary Clinton so I can do whatever I want. I’m untouchable.’ That’s a disqualifier to be president.”

Gowdy, making his first-ever trip to Iowa, sang Rubio’s praises on national security and immigration in front of a predominately older middle-class crowd of about one hundred Iowans.

The Rubio staffer who introduced Gowdy cited Gowdy’s “reputation as a great conservative” and a “bulldog.” Members in the crowd seemed interested in Gowdy’s endorsement of Rubio, with at least one crowd member telling Breitbart News that he decided to hear Rubio out because he admires Gowdy’s work during the Benghazi investigation.

“Marco Rubio is the best presidential candidate to tackle the issue of national security, including border security and immigration enforcement,” Gowdy said.

“I went through that metric in my own mind and I am convinced, for me, that I am going to vote for Marco Rubio,” Gowdy said. “The issue that is most important for me is national security, and part of that is public safety.”

“As I have watched Senator Rubio’s career, he has become if not the foremost expert on national security, then at least one of the foremost experts in the Senate.”

“I’m the chairman of the House Immigration Committee…a sovereign nation has the right to determine who comes, who stays,” Gowdy said, citing the San Bernardino Islamic terror attack. “You don’t have a right to emigrate. It is a privilege.”

“If I were not convinced that Marco Rubio is the best candidate on the issue of national security, INCLUDING border security, interior security, and employment security, I would not be in Iowa right now,” Gowdy added.

Gowdy said that he first met Rubio through former senator Jim DeMint, who now runs the Heritage Foundation, and was immediately impressed with him.

“Marco communicates our message in a hopeful, aspirational way.”